4 out of my 6 kids are already Black Belts. I found that 3-4 years old was the best time for them to start their training. Here’s why…The younger, the better.

When kids are small they don’t get “easy” or “hard.” What they do understand is boring and fun.

So while my kids are having fun…they’re learning how to focus, gain discipline, increase their self-esteem through small incremental victories. But for me, the greatest benefit my kids have gained is

How NOT to quit!

It’s amazing what can happen when a kid learns to “Go For It!”

2 Of my kids teach Martial Arts. My son Matt is off to College to become an Electrical Engineer. My son, Josh, is an aspiring Pro Soccer Player and my girls are pursuing Dancing Careers.

Now I don’t mention this to impress you, but to impress upon you that a child with a non-quitting spirit is unstoppable!

The practice of Karate teaches kids that nothing is impossible through hard work, focus, discipline and training 2x’s per week.


And once a child decides that nothing is impossible—failure is no longer an option! So set your child up for success and I’ll see them at the Top!